Monday, August 5, 2013

Gettin' a little "green" :)

Hey hey hey!  One of my goals this year is to be a bit "greener"!  I feel like I use SOOO much paper for workstations in my room.  I want the students to be accountable for their station time, especially since it is an independent time while I meet with small groups.  But I do end up making lots of copies.  Since I am thrifty, and like to spend my classroom money on fun stuff, I went with option B.  I already had page protectors in my classroom and I had a collection of colored/patterned duct tape (you know, for emergencies :) ) so I went to work!

When I say I went to work, I mean my husband went to work.  If any of you know me on a personal level, you understand that I MAY or may not have a few flaws which MIGHT include not being able to cut straight or complete crafts that deal with minuscule details that require a steady hand and focus.  ( I know, I know...what Kindergarten teacher can't cut straight.  Believe me when I tell you my parents think they failed me because I can't cut a straight line to SAVE MY LIFE!)  Anyways, back on topic.  Mr. Bowder is quite the type A person who helps me out in numerous ways when it comes to completing projects especially when something needs to look straight and not crooked, like a 5 year old did it. So right away I needed his help.

We both agreed that it would be easiest to start at the top where there is an opening and a paper needs to slide in.  He then went to cutting the duct tape and he only put duct tape on one side, if that makes sense.  But you really can't tell.

Then he used it on the sides and then bottom.  I was of course doing this project with him and let's just say I finished one "decent" paper frame in the time he finished significantly more.  You can't blame me for tryin'!

I am excited to use these this year mostly with station work!  I might find a few other areas they could be useful as well!  Students will use dry erase markers and crayons because those wipe off pretty easy from the page protectors.  And hopefully I can save a few trips to the copy machine, not to mention paper!

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