Monday, August 19, 2013

Earnest the Ear

One of my favorite parts of Kindergarten is introducing my friend, Ernest! :)  Ernest not only helps manage my classroom but when the students use Ernest it just makes me smile!

One of my BIGGEST pet peeves is tattling...I know, I why am I a Kindergarten teacher, right? :)

My friend Ernest is an heard right, an EAR!  Today Ernest met all the Kindergartners and we talked about topics we should tell the teacher about and what we could discuss with Ernest.

Basically we narrowed it down to...if you are bleeding, have a broken bone, are feeling sick or going to have an accident those are perfect things to tell the teacher.  Other than that, if someone makes you upset or mad or someone accidentally stepped on your finger, you tell Ernest.

My favorite part is when people come into our classroom and there will be kids waiting in line to talk to Ernest, especially after recess, and visitors are always like "Ummm...why are your kids talking to the wall?!?"  So not only is it effective but it is quite humorous too!  But the kids take it totally serious.  And so do I! :)

How do you handle tattling??
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